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Gameplay in Atomicrops is divided into levels of difficulty called Years.

There are currently 10 Years in Atomicrops, and each consecutive year is unlocked by beating the prior Year, with Year 1 being every player's first experience. The difficulty increases with each Year, with features such as faster and more numerous Enemies, higher Cashew requirements, and lower max Health at start. Before each run, the player can select which Year they would like to play by interacting with a sundial at the Farmhouse. While in a run, the current Year is displayed in roman numerals in the calendar located on the upper right side of the screen.

Some Years may unlock additional features the first time they are completed:

Year Features Reward on completion
Year 1 Default Year on start. Spouse: Waterchris
Achievement: Year One Lotus
Year 2 Slugs will fire bullets and chase the player if no Crops are planted. Playable Character: Robusta
Year 3 Weed Monsters will start spawning on the Farm. New Event: Surplus Mode
Year 4 Elite Enemies will begin appearing. Playable Character: Thyme
Year 5 Festival Shop: Dicey's Casino
Achievement: Demi-Decade Orchid
Year 10 Achievement: Corpse Flower

History[ | ]
