Atomicrops Wiki

Watering is a key farming mechanic in Atomicrops. Most Crops require various amounts of water to grow at each growth stage, which the player can ensure happens in various ways.

Watering Pail[ | ]

The Watering Pail is the player's default method of watering. It requires no special actions for use: if the player has water in the pail, they will automatically water thirsty crops when near them. The pail is filled whenever the player stands near the Well on their farm, also automatically. This method requires no purchases or special items, but does require the player to be on the farm to start watering.

How much water the player can hold in the pail increases with their FarmStatIconFarming Stat. The current amount of water in their inventory can be seen during gameplay in the lower-left corner.

Upgrades[ | ]

The following Upgrades will influence the player's ability to water crops.

  • DoubleWateringCan Double-Edged Watering Can: The player waters two crops at once.
  • FarmStatUp Farming Stat Up: Increases the player's farming stat and therefore watering pail size.
  • BoostWater Hose: The player waters three crops at once when Energized.
  • WateringSpeed Squirt Gun: The player waters crops faster.
  • AllStatUp Stats Up: Increases the player's farming stat and therefore watering pail size.

Cows[ | ]

Cows are a type of Friend which wander the Farm randomly and water crops that they are near. The Grass-Fed Cow is an upgraded version of the cow. These animals move more slowly than the player and may not prioritize the crops that the player would prefer, but they do not require the player to be on the farm to water crops and do not need to be deployed. They also take the same time to water Megacrops as regular crops, which is not the case for the player (Megacrops generally take twice as long to water).

Upgrades[ | ]

The following Upgrades will influence Cows' ability to water crops.

Sprinkler Tractor[ | ]

The SprinklerTractorHudIconSprinkler Tractor is one of the possible tractors that the player can obtain. When deployed, it waters all crops within the indicated radius for a short amount of time, as well as boosting all crops within the radius by 30%.

Scrolls[ | ]

There are three types of Scroll that water the player's crops, increasing in duration:

  • RainCloudScrollRain Cloud: Waters and boosts all crops for 30 seconds.
  • RainCloudScroll2Storm Cloud: Waters and boosts all crops for 60 seconds.
  • RainCloudScroll3Flower Shower: Waters and boosts all crops, leaves all soil moist and causes Flowers to grow.

The scrolls double the crop growth speed for their duration.

Wet soil[ | ]

Tilling wet Soil means that the soil will water the crop planted on it once before drying out, and boost the crop's growth while it remains wet.

Upgrades[ | ]

The following Upgrades will influence the wet soil on the player's farm.

Spouses[ | ]

Waterchris is a potential Spouse who when married will stay on the farm while the player explores, wandering it randomly and watering crops. His Wedding Ring also increases the player's FarmStatIconFarming Stat by 3.

Other Upgrades[ | ]

Upgrades that effect watering[ | ]

Upgrades activated by watering[ | ]
